Physical Therapy for Arm & Elbow Pain
Arm and elbow pain can be a very mild experience or an extremely painful one. It can affect anyone, regardless of age. It typically affects the bones, joints, or muscles in your arm and can occur when completing everyday tasks such as exercising, playing sports, manual working duties, overuse, trauma, or improper exercise techniques.
Symptoms of Arm, Elbow & Hand Pain
The symptoms that can accompany arm pain will depend on the cause but often include:
- Muscle weakness
- Numbness in the arm
- Stiffness in the arm
- Swelling in the arm
- Tingling in the arm
- Sharp pain when gripping or grasping
Reasons for Arm, Elbow & Hand Pain
There are many reasons for experiencing arm and/or elbow pain. Arm pain can be life-threatening, as it can be associated with symptoms of a heart attack (myocardial infarction) or a stroke (cerebrovascular accident). In instances of a heart attack, other symptoms include: difficulty breathing, pressure on or around the chest area, and nausea. In instances of a stroke, other symptoms that may accompany arm pain or tingling include: facial weakness or numbness, difficulty speaking, headache, and/or elevated blood pressure. If you experiencing any of these symptoms call 911 immediately!
Possible reasons for arm and/or elbow pain can include:
- Pinched nerves (spinal roots, carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, radial tunnel)
- Nerve damage
- Joint sprains
- Tendonitis (golfers, tennis, little league elbow, de Quervain’s)
- Bursitis
- Broken bones
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Torn or ruptured tendons
Relief from Arm, Elbow & Hand Pain
There are many measures you can take to prevent or relieve your arm pain. One way is to learn more about stretching exercises, soft tissue mobilization techniques, and proper body mechanics that will help prevent worsening or further arm, hand, wrist and/or elbow pain.
Schedule an Arm, Elbow & Hand Pain Assessment Today
At Rising Tide Physical Therapy, when patients come to us for relief of their arm, elbow and/or hand pain we complete an in-depth examination to determine the root cause. Our skilled therapists then work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan specific to your goals, strengths, and weakness areas. Different types of injuries and pain require a different approach, so you can be sure you are getting the right rehab plan for you.
Rise to your full potential with the help of our Physical Therapists who are experts in how your body moves. Get back to life without pain medications or the need for surgery.
Remember with Direct Access, you don’t need a prescription from your doctor. Simply call a Rising Tide Physical Therapy Location near you to make an appointment.